The last day of January...I hope we all have a great day and welcome February with a warm appreciation for nicer weather. We all could use some warm sunny weather...Enjoy the day!!
Meet my Grandpup!
This is Molly!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Happy Birthday Oprah!
Your continued growth gives strength to those who seek a deeper meaning in their own lives. Your passion to educate and teach viewers "How to live your Best" is truly a Blessing to those who listen. I know, I am one of them.Today is your Special Day; Thank You for Being You! Happy Birthday Oprah! God Bless you...
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Last Weekend of January!!
First I want to share a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a few of my dear friends...May their special day be filled with joy and Love...This has been a month to remember..So much Snow for many...I hope they get a break from shoveling this weekend!! Remember to watch Oprah's new network (OWN) she has many great shows that will encourage and inspire the spirit with-in us all.. Enjoy the weekend and have some fun with family and friends...When you smile your heart opens!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
TLC - Kitchen Boss
TLC - Kitchen Boss
Buddy enters into the kitchen cooking up some beautiful dishes.
5:30 pm est. on TLC...You've got to see this show...I just love Cake Boss and
now Kitchen Boss!!! Let's start cooking with Buddy...Enjoy!
Buddy enters into the kitchen cooking up some beautiful dishes.
5:30 pm est. on TLC...You've got to see this show...I just love Cake Boss and
now Kitchen Boss!!! Let's start cooking with Buddy...Enjoy!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Happy Monday Evening
The weekend went by so fast! I was able to catch Master Class (Oprah's network OWN) Jay-Z and Maya Angelou was the speakers. I have adored both Maya Angelou and Jay-Z for many years, and to listen to each of their life's journey was riveting and inspiring...It has transformed me...The outcome is: never give up, keep dreaming your desire and find your passion and live it! That's just what I'm planning on doing this whole year, moving forward staying calm even in the storm. Thanks Oprah for making such great programming, and Thanks to Jay-Z and Maya Angelou for speaking out about your lives and giving us hope and inspiration to carry on...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Happy Friday
Have a wonderful weekend and do something for yourself...Take time out of your schedule and enjoy something that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. You deserve the best... Enjoy!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Wow, it's already the 18th day of this New Year! How's everyone feeling so far? Are you going at a peaceful pace or are you hurrying through the day? I ask this, because, I am curious and also searching my own awareness of how I feel and what I feel. Life is short and so precious; that I want to express what I'm feeling in my experience on this journey of life. Probably seems weird but,I still find it hard to believe that five decades have gone by so fast and I still have so much more I want to accomplish and achieve. So, I remain calm and respectful of the minutes that pass by in choosing good thoughts that reflect a positive outcome to maintain a peaceful day. May your day be filled with love!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Issue 60 is ready
Poetic Monthly Magazine issue 60 is out and ready for your reading enjoyment! go to to order your copy today. P.M.M. has a variety of poems & short stories for anyone to read. See what books are up for review and which ones are making their debut. If you are an Author and would like to have your book reviewed; email Mary Muhammad, Book Review Manager; at: We would love to review your book... see ya at Poetic
Thursday, January 13, 2011
There's a vision I seek my mind wonders as I prepare to take this leap. I rise with the sun bursting through the window I smile with appreciation for the warmth the sun brings a pond my face. Oh how precious is this day! I hear the birds chirping singing away delightful harmony has started early today. I scurry out to feed these pretty birds just to say" thank you" for the music I just heard. Oh how precious is this day! I take a few moments and watch the birds swooping and diving to grab their food they fly off with a piece of bread in their beaks chirping once more to say "thank you" for their food...
Oh how precious is this day! Enjoy the little things life has to offer for free!
Oh how precious is this day! Enjoy the little things life has to offer for free!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Smile even in hard times
I've been keeping calm and doing a lot of soul searching again to re- awaken the spirit that lies with-in us all. The soul; the core to all there is! In this book that I 'm preparing to be sent to a publisher; I write about the journey on this physical plain and the spiritual walk that deepens as we grow.I express happy times and hard times in a way to take the experience and learn from it. To take each moment good or bad and find a way to work through it and make it better. I always say "live by example" and "create your own self". Stand amongst the many and be joyful! Life is precious and short! Make the best of what you've got and smile!
Monday, January 10, 2011
I am still trying to process the shock and sadness from Tucson's tragic shooting. I know that many people are feeling this as well. My mother always told me "when you are sad or grieving, keep those who you lost and live life for them". Keep them in your memory and do great things in honor of their life". My mom was pretty smart! I am sure that changes will be made to keep our Community Leaders safe from harms way and safe for the citizens in each community. We must continue to have Meet and Greets with our Leaders across this great nation. We are land of the Free and home of the Brave!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I am deeply saddened by the tragic events that took place yesterday in Tucson Arizona. My thoughts and prayers have been going out to each person affected by this awful crime. To think that something as nice and normal as a Congresswoman and staff going out to meet and greet their fellow citizens in their community and have this mass killing happen...Do we all have to protect ourselves with bodyguards each time we leave our homes? Has it come down to this? How can we protect ourselves and our community leaders so that this won't happen again. It takes a village to raise a child, It will take each person to keep another person safe...I am truly sorry for the precious lives that were taken away to soon...I ask God to bring light into the broken and restore health to those in need.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The First Weekend of this Great New Year!
It's Friday! I hope this weekend brings fun and enjoyment to you all! Tonight on OWN will be Season 25 Oprah Behind the Scenes at 8:00pm est and at 9:00 pm est the Series Premiere Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star. I can't wait to watch both these shows. The amount of effort and work that goes into Oprah's one hour show is enormous. Check it out and see how dedicated each of Oprah's staff is and how they created Season 25! The Next TV Star will show 10 contestants competing for their own show. I can't wait to pick one and hope it's the one that get their own show. Will see how it plays out! Enjoy your day and have a fun weekend!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Happy 6th day of 2011
I hope your day is going in a great direction! Today has been Doctor appointments and meds re-fills time..I still need some sleep; last night it rained so hard and the thunder was so loud I could hardly sleep! I did not watch T.V. either due to the storm. I watched Anna and Kristina's Grocery bag show today, those two girls are so funny! They re-create recipes from cook books and go on a journey to get their foods they need for the recipes then go back into the kitchen a cook. I just get a big kick out of this show. Of course I love Cristina Ferrare's Big Bowl of Love show, she is love! Great recipes to make that are quick and easy on the budget...I am still remaining clam and relaxed. Allowing my thoughts to guide me through the day. With good thoughts, good feelings come out and continue to expand my better feeling thoughts.That makes for a calm and relaxed me! Have a Blessed evening!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
5th day of January 2011
Many friends and relatives Birthday is today, so Happy Birthday to you all! The weather is warm today, that's always a great way to start the day. I will be going with a friend of mine out for the day. I always look forward to sharing time with my friend. She has introduced me to Abraham- Ester and Jerry Hicks books and CD's many months ago; I use the books and CD's every day. A lot of their teachings make sense to me. But, than again so does Joel Osteen and the practical approach of Jesus. So I blend in things that I feel are right for me and use them to guide my way through the day. I am still learning to stay clam and relaxed through out the day. I watched some of OWN yesterday and last night, but, my other shows were on; so I had to bounce back in forth in between the commercials. I really need four T.V.'s in my room! That would be a hoot, four more remotes...Well, enjoy your day! Be Blessed and full of joy!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
4th day of January 2011
Today is a peaceful day. I've been watching the OWN network, so many great shows to watch! Last night the new show "In the bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman" was on, Dr. Berman helped a married couple with positive tools to bring them together in their relationship. I was impressed with the couple's strength to be so open about their problems on the air. They needed help and Dr. Berman provided tools to enhance their abilities to open up with each other and rekindle their love for each other. Really neat show. Enough Already with Peter Walsh was off the charts! Peter turns a families clutter into an amazing home, safe for their child to play and comfortably live free from clutter! I take notice to the inspiring factor in OWN network. We all can use encouragement, guidance and a peaceful mind. For many months I have been pushing myself to find my purpose and follow my passion. Seems as though I was swimming up-stream instead of going with the flow. It's a great feeling when I can turn on the OWN channel and just let the shows enter my mind and fill me with such splendor. It's as though I have a coach training me to be the best that I can be. That's what OWN has given me, a sense of peace, a calming factor that I have embedded with-in my inner being. For that I am thankful!
Monday, January 3, 2011
I am still happy on this 3rd day of 2011
Om Gosh,Today has had a few bumps but, I just kept my cool and stayed relaxed and calm. ( I am learning). Last night I watched Master Class; Diane Sawyer was on, she was so wonderful and she talked about her childhood & working for President Nixon. Her story was so inspiring and uplifting. Then I watched Ask Oprah All Stars. Dr. Phil, Suze Orman and Dr. Oz answered questions from viewers. Wow, it was so jammed packed with information that we just don't ask. The three were very entertaining and charming together on stage. Robin Meade is the host, she is always delightful to watch and listen to. Since the Oprah new OWN network, I have not had much sleep..I have been so excited to watch all these new shows. They are all great shows. Today I watched Anna & Kristina's Grocery Bag show, that was a hoot! Followed by Cristina Ferrare's Big Bowl of Love show with Kat Cora on cooking up some great food ideas..Gosh, I'm so hungry and I need some sleep! Oh can you tell I just love the inspiration that OWN is delivering to the viewers!! Thank You OPRAH! As always I just adore you!!! Also on Master Class Oprah speaks words to live by "Find your own truth and follow it"...Incredible words that has resonated with-in my being.. That's why I have decided to write on this blog each day, something positive, hopefully inspiring and thoughts from my heart to yours. I look forward to these steps along this journey..God Bless us all!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy 2nd day of this New Year!
The weather here is warm and a gentle breeze is a reminder that all things are possible. I feel alive and thankful for this beautiful weather. Yesterday I watched the new OWN channel, that's Oprah's new network. She has an incredible line up of shows. The shows have inspiring appeal that will touch your core and resonate with in your being. It has done so with me. I have been longing for a balance between my self and my own higher self, the higher self of divine goodness and unconditional love. Even though I know I live with love and an inner knowing of consciousness I had struggled with depression and stress. I would allow myself to self destruct when something would come my way. Well, I am learning to keep my thoughts positive and refrain from negative thinking. It can be hard at times, but, I am determined to keep my mental mind and my spiritual mind in balance with thinking clearly and not reacting to negativity. Just knowing that God has a purpose and a plan for me is the premise of my actions and belief to remain calm and hopeful with each passing day. I appreciate life and all the possibilities that can unfold before my eyes. 2011 will be better!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
This New Year can be a clean slate, a fresh new path awaits us all. My quest on this new path is to stay calm be focused and enjoy the journey. You may ask "What journey", the journey is each new day, what do you do with each day? My day will start out peaceful with prayers and appreciation for life, instead of getting beaten down with problems or stress, I am going to remain calm and delighted that I am alive, I will not let anyone steal my joy. I will keep my eyes open and my heart receptive to other peoples feelings and lift them up with words of encouragement to brighten their day. I look only to the future, make each day count, do my best so that at the end of the day I can be grateful for the experience and hopeful for the next day.
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