Meet my Grandpup!

Meet my Grandpup!
This is Molly!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Zach and Kristina both get their OWN Show

What a turn of events, last night on Your OWN Show, Zach and Kristina competed in the finale, against each other for a chance to win their OWN TV Star show. They both had to create their own pilot presentation of their dream TV show. They both nailed it! While watching the two presentations I was thinking to myself, "wow, this is really hard to decide, both contestants had great pilots". Then, I thought to myself, "this is Oprah, and Oprah can do anything, this is her OWN network"! Well, It happened, Oprah picked both Zach and Kristina to have their OWN TV Show!!!! How cool is that!! Congratulations Zach and Kristina! I'm happy for you both and look forward to watching your OWN shows on the Oprah Winfrey Network.