Meet my Grandpup!

Meet my Grandpup!
This is Molly!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Last weekend of February!

This has been a long week! Lot's of scheduling and paper work to organized for the next set of events. This is the last weekend of February! I watched American Idol, when JLo busted out in tears the other night, I cried right along with her..Only in her movies has she cried, so to see JLo cry on Idol, well, I cried too! There was lots of talented singers this season, the judges had some difficult cuts to make. I think they did a great job.Looking forward to another Idol season. Tonight on OWN, is Oprah Behind the Scenes at 8pm. I watch Oprah's daytime show, and then watch Behind the Scenes of that show, it's incredible! 9pm the finale of Your OWN Show is down to two contestants, Zach and Kristina. Who will win their OWN TV Show? I'm  hoping Zach will win! Will see how it plays out! Have a great day, and a splendid weekend! Looking forward to Spring time!!