Meet my Grandpup!

Meet my Grandpup!
This is Molly!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Another week under our belts, still practicing staying calm under pressure. Medical reports have thrown a curve ball at me!  I am still trying to process this. More details will transpire next week. So, I have today, to make a  difference by staying calm, focusing on joy and a peaceful mind.I will be watching OWN to receive as much inspiration I can get. Reminder: tonight at 8:00pm Season 25 Oprah Behind the Scenes is on! See how Oprah's producers and staff create Oprah's show..It's incredible! 9:00pm Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star is on. Ryan got voted off last week, it's down to 3 contestants. Who will win their OWN Show? I look forward to watching the events unfold..Have a great day and enjoy the weekend!