I have today to be all that I can be...I choose to stay in peace...Carefully thinking only good thoughts for you and me...Discovering the beauty that surrounds us, I know God is restoring you and me...Breathe Love in and allow the love to flow... ignite the light that shines deep with-in our spirits...so we may glow...there's no difference in the light that shines...we are one...intertwined with God's everlasting Love!
Meet my Grandpup!
This is Molly!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Zach and Kristina both get their OWN Show
What a turn of events, last night on Your OWN Show, Zach and Kristina competed in the finale, against each other for a chance to win their OWN TV Star show. They both had to create their own pilot presentation of their dream TV show. They both nailed it! While watching the two presentations I was thinking to myself, "wow, this is really hard to decide, both contestants had great pilots". Then, I thought to myself, "this is Oprah, and Oprah can do anything, this is her OWN network"! Well, It happened, Oprah picked both Zach and Kristina to have their OWN TV Show!!!! How cool is that!! Congratulations Zach and Kristina! I'm happy for you both and look forward to watching your OWN shows on the Oprah Winfrey Network.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Last weekend of February!
This has been a long week! Lot's of scheduling and paper work to organized for the next set of events. This is the last weekend of February! I watched American Idol, when JLo busted out in tears the other night, I cried right along with her..Only in her movies has she cried, so to see JLo cry on Idol, well, I cried too! There was lots of talented singers this season, the judges had some difficult cuts to make. I think they did a great job.Looking forward to another Idol season. Tonight on OWN, is Oprah Behind the Scenes at 8pm. I watch Oprah's daytime show, and then watch Behind the Scenes of that show, it's incredible! 9pm the finale of Your OWN Show is down to two contestants, Zach and Kristina. Who will win their OWN TV Show? I'm hoping Zach will win! Will see how it plays out! Have a great day, and a splendid weekend! Looking forward to Spring time!!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Have a nice day
Celtic Woman Concert was spectacular, wonderful and fabulous! After five years of listening to their CD's and watching their concerts on DVD it was finally time to see them in concert...I just love them! The sun is out and expected to be up in the high 70's today. It's beach time! Have a nice day!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Another week under our belts, still practicing staying calm under pressure. Medical reports have thrown a curve ball at me! I am still trying to process this. More details will transpire next week. So, I have today, to make a difference by staying calm, focusing on joy and a peaceful mind.I will be watching OWN to receive as much inspiration I can get. Reminder: tonight at 8:00pm Season 25 Oprah Behind the Scenes is on! See how Oprah's producers and staff create Oprah's show..It's incredible! 9:00pm Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star is on. Ryan got voted off last week, it's down to 3 contestants. Who will win their OWN Show? I look forward to watching the events unfold..Have a great day and enjoy the weekend!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
More great new and inspiring shows on OWN! There is to many to list, but, check them out! I just finished watching Anna & Kristina's Grocery bag, those girls are a hoot! Today they were taking recipes from Oprah's Magazine Cook Book. Cristina Ferrare's Big Bowl of Love was on, she is pure Love! Tonight OWN has more new shows..go to Oprah.com/own for local listing. You will be inspired!
Have a Peaceful Loving Day
I search for splendor I search for peace while I search a presence comes over me divine consciences covers me and I am at peace. A feeling of tranquility is all around me. Though my body is here, I'm not. It is the power of divine consciences that allows me to transcend to a deeper part of me. A place that is full of possibilities and an endless array of knowing; that God has placed his tender hand a pond my spirit to lift me up and know that I am Love and be Love...May the presences of his love filter through you! Have a peaceful loving day!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Cupid Time
Cupid Angels are releasing their arrows one by one sending them to the ones you love. To keep their hearts filled with love, extend out your arms to feel their hug, snuggle close with who you adore capture their essences of love once more. Happy Valentines Day!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Friendship is a Beautiful gift of Love
A smile, A thought or a jester is all it takes to make someones day. I always say "be kind and kindness will follow you". Today, was one of those normal days, just plugging along, trying to stay calm and keep a smile on my face. I opened my Facebook acct. and received a beautiful reminder of what friendship and love is...We know that you can't pick our family, but, you can choose your friends. Today, a very dear friend stopped what they were doing and thought of me...Heartfelt words poured out of his spirit and touched mine! That moment I read his message, my spirit opened and delighted my heart. Kindness is a tender moment that continues to grow as the heart expands and fills your soul with love...Friendship is a Beautiful gift of Love!!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Congratulations to the Packers, they played a great game! The Arena that hosted the Super Bowl in Dallas was beautiful and spectacular. The Black Eyed Peas once again were off the charts! I just love them...Now that football is over, there is a low that comes over me, my fever is gone, what's become of me? I eagerly await for August to come to get my football fever elevated for the game I love. Five more months to come so we can hear those words "Game On" all over again!!!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Happy Super Bowl Day
Wow, Super Bowl Sunday is already here! This year is just flying by! My favorite team did not make it to the super bowl, darn it! I always look forward to the commercials and all the yummy foods I get to eat while watching the game. I can't believe all the snow that came down in the Dallas area...I am sure it will be a great game to watch. Have a wonderful Super Bowl Sunday!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Thank Goodness it's Friday! I need to rest! I'm looking forward to watching Kitchen Boss on TLC and do some cooking of my own...Buddy has a variety of receipts that will be great to make this weekend...I am also looking forward to watching OWN Oprah Winfrey Network 8:00pm Oprah Behind the Scenes, this show is amazing! See how much effort and dedication goes into producing each show..At 9:00pm Oprah's Search for the Next TV Star is on, 5 contestants are left, who will be eliminated next? I 'm still rooting for Ryan to win. I will just have to watch and see what happens..Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Happy Ground Hog Day!
It's official; Early Spring is expected! The Ground Hog came out of his den and there was no shadow!! Thank Goodness! Let's hope this will be the last snow storm of the season...The snow is still coming down in the North, my thoughts is, what will happen when all this snow melts?? I hope everybody stays safe & warm and think good thoughts of the warm weather to come...Have a Blessed Day!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
More Snow
February is here and she has so many states under severe snow storms. Mother Earth what is going on with you? Will the ground hog come out of its den tomorrow? We shall see...Along the Palm Beach coast area today a plane spotted several hundred sharks..That's a lot of sharks in one place...I wonder where they will go next? I wonder if they were the same species or different sharks migrating together? Well these questions will be answered in time...Have a pleasant and peaceful evening!
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