Good Morning and Hello! This week went by so fast, kids back in school and doctor appts to go to, glad it's Saturday. I have been watching the weather channel these past few days keeping an eye on Irene. My prayers have been going non stop for the people in Irene's path. Did you see the video from the Palm Beach Post when 8 people were knocked right off the pier in Boynton Beach? How scary is that! I hope those people recover fast. Stay safe, be well and God Bless us all.
Meet my Grandpup!
This is Molly!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Poetic Monthly Magazine Issue 67 Issue 67 is ready for your reading enjoyment! As you know you get to read the book reviews and see what books are making their debut! Finally a specialist looked at my head and saw that I have more allergies and that I should now live in a bubble!!! Do you remember the movie "Boy in a Bubble"? John Travolta was the boy in the, it's me!!! Dam it!! giggle giggle...So on top of all the other illness, now I have to go and start a new regiment of allergies shots, Crap!! But, the good things about this was the Specialist, he took one look at me and boom, he told me what was wrong with me. Thank God for Specialist! I've been to so many doctors and when you get a doctor that knows just what is going on, well, that feeling of relief flows right through to your core...Well, enjoy your Sunday, the kids go back to school tomorrow around here and we're watching the weather channel to see where Irene will be heading in the next few days. God Bless us all!
Friday, August 19, 2011
It's Friday!
Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the remaining summer time fun! I have had an ear and head infection so that's kind of why I haven't been on this fun blog. It hurts to blink and breathe...dam it!!! giggle hurts to laugh!!! oh, anyway, seeing the doctor today to figure out what this infection is all about...I just wanted you all to know that I thank you for always stopping by and reading my work..Have a wonderful weekend!! God Bless.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Hi everybody, I hope things are going well with you and that you're having a great summer! Have you been watching Shark Week? Oh my, I have and each year Discovery digs deeper into the oceans to give us more information on Sharks. They have done an incredible job with technology, and the scientist that gives us up close and personal data on these beautiful creatures. I am just very thankful that all the years my daughter and I would go diving in the Bahama's and other Islands that we never ran into a Shark! Enjoy your weekend and continue to watch Shark Week and other great shows on Discovery Channel! Remember, smile even when you don't want to...giggle giggle
Monday, August 1, 2011
Happy August, my favorite month!
Good morning and good day to you, may your day be filled with great possibilities and adventure. Did you watch Shark week? Oh my, what a thrilling show!It's their 20th anniversary this year and I must say, I've been watching Shark week for all those exciting shows! I'll be watching again tonight...In the mean time happy August to all who have birthday's this month, I'm included in the birthday of August babies as well as my best friend and sister. (she's one day older than me, I'm the baby)...giggle giggle! Enjoy your day, be blessed and smile; today may be your special day.
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